Warren School SEND Information Report 2024/25
Warren School
As identified in the 2014 Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (January 2015), there are 4 main areas of need:
- Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, emotional and mental health
- Sensory and/or physical
Pupils with SEND
Warren School is a school for pupils aged 4-19, primarily from North and East Suffolk, with a range of special educational needs – predominantly severe to profound learning difficulties. Many of our pupils have complex health needs and require a high level of personal care. In addition, there are pupils with autistic spectrum disorders who display behaviours that challenge and also need specialist provision to support their needs.
All pupils who attend Warren School have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Admissions are via the Local Authority processes (see Local Authority website for details). The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) at your child’s school will also be able to help you with the admissions procedures.
Working together
We recognise that parents/carers play an integral role in the progress of their child, and we work hard to foster a strong working relationship.
Parents/carers are invited to attend meetings in school, annual reviews, school activities and events to celebrate and review their child’s progress, as well as informal methods of communication.
Pupils share their views, thoughts and feelings through engaging in review meetings and pupil voice opportunities.
Warren School encourages and fosters an environment of open, honest and respectful communication between parents, staff and the professionals that support our pupils. We aim to bring the external agencies and internal support together to provide the most appropriate and impactful environment for the child.
Assessment and Review
Warren School uses Evidence for Learning to track pupils' progress from their starting point, identify their next steps and address gaps in their understanding.
Please see our website for more information regarding the way in which we monitor and review our pupils.
Approach to Teaching and Learning
Our approach to teaching pupils at Warren School is based on researched approaches for pupils with SEND. This is delivered through our curriculum model. Please see our website for more information regarding the curriculum model.
The teaching and learning provision is built around the needs identified within the EHCPs of our young people. As a result, there is significant diversity across the school.
Warren School is an inclusive environment, where all pupils are supported to take part in activities alongside other pupils. The learning environment supports pupils to develop their learning, relationships and independence. All pupils benefit from carefully planned and designed learning environments. Significant building works are underway at Warren School which will ensure that facilities are modern and appropriate to the needs of the school community.
All pupils will encounter transition during their time at Warren School. This may be as they enter Warren School, progress through the year groups, or move to another school or college. Any change or transition will be carefully considered and managed and parents/carers will be consulted at the earliest opportunity.
Where pupils move schools, we will work with the other school and share relevant information to ensure that there is a thorough transition in place.
Pupils will move between classes and will encounter different staff. We aim to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to meet the new adults they are working with. Pupils will visit the new classrooms where required, and in some cases, there will be additional resources available such as additional visits, social stories, photos or transition packs.
Warren School commits to working closely with families, external agencies and medical professionals to provide a smooth transition between settings that meet the needs of the pupils. Staff communicate with other agencies to ensure that all information is gathered.
The majority of pupils will stay at Warren School until they move into adulthood, which supports transition within a known environment. We have an independent careers advisor who supports pupils and their families in making appropriate decisions about their post 16 education providers; whether that be a local college, Warren School, an employer or an alternative education setting.
The Wider Team
Warren School is embedding a multidisciplinary approach which combines expert knowledge from a range of professionals. These include, but are not limited to:
- Educational psychologists
- Wheelchair services
- Sensory Service – Visual and Hearing impairments
- Epilepsy Nurse Practitioner
- Physio therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Music therapy
- Social workers
- School Nursing Team
- Paediatrician
- Dietician
- Behaviour support specialists
- Respite and foster carers
Not every pupil will receive input from all services, and not all services will be involved with a pupil throughout their time at Warren School.
Complaints and Policies
Our policies and provision can be viewed on our website and hard copies are available on request from the school office.
Our complaints policy is in line with the DfE requirements and can be found on the website. If you require support with the policy, please contact the school office, and they will provide the help you require.
The Warren School site is being developed to upgrade facilities and ensure that accessibility is improved. The site is single story and has no steps. Developments are underway to increase accessibility in terms of visual and sensory signage throughout the school, as well as improving resources and the facilities offered on site.
Further Information
Further information can be found on the School website or by calling the School Office.