Other Professionals
Occupational Therapy
My name is Kirsty and I am the Occupational Therapist working at Warren School and with children with disabilities in mainstream schools. I am based at the Newberry Child Development Centre where I can be reached on 01493 442322.
I work with the children at school and can carry out home visits for children living in Waveney and Great Yarmouth PCT area.
The aim of Occupational Therapy is to increase and enable as much independence as possible in the children's lives. I therefore work with the children around their personal care, positioning, encouraging development through play, improving upper limb and fine motor function, identifying and advising around sensory difficulties.
My name is Rachel (Physiotherapist) and my role includes providing physiotherapy input at Warren School, as well as being based from the Newberry Child Development Centre seeing children from the Great Yarmouth and Waveney area.
The aim of physiotherapy is to optimise and maintain movement and function where possible to enable children to move as freely and independently as possible. I see children at school, and I can also carry out home visits when necessary. I work with children to assist their posture, movement, quality and muscle tone; maintain movement; standing and walking where appropriate, and work on balance and muscle tone.
I can be reached at the Newberry Centre on 01493 442322.
Speech and Language Therapy
Our names are Emma and Melissa. We are Speech and Language Therapists and we work for Cambridgeshire Community Services (CCS). Our role includes providing Speech and Language Therapy input at Warren School, as well as seeing other children in the Great Yarmouth and Waveney area.
- We support children with speech, language and communication needs, to help them to communicate better.
- We carry out assessments, set goals and help the team around the child to use supportive communication approaches and strategies within everyday routines and activities.
- We can also provide therapeutic intervention (one-to-one or group) for a specified period of time when this is appropriate for the child and their communication needs.
- We help with low-tech communication support (using objects, signing, photos and symbols) and work closely with the Suffolk Communication Aids Resource Centre (SCARC) team who can assess and provide high-tech communication equipment (such as 'Talkpads').
- We do not routinely attend annual review meetings.
An updated assessment or new referral can be requested at any point throughout the year, if the child has met their previous goals or if there are new concerns. A member of class staff can make a new referral by meeting with us when we are in school or arranging via email to meet virtually, once they have parental permission. Parents can contact us directly via Just One Number on 0300 300 0123.
We also work with children who have eating and swallowing problems and can provide assessment, advice and training to make sure that children are experiencing safe and enjoyable mealtimes. Staff and parents should contact us on 0300 300 0123 as soon as possible if there are any concerns about a child's eating and/or drinking skills.
Please take a look at our website https://www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/speech-language/ for more information and advice, including free pre-recorded online training courses.
Regular clinics are held at the School - they include the Community Paediatrician, Feeding Clinic, Orthoptic Clinic and an annual Dental Clinic.
We work with a range of professionals from health, education and social care and value their ideas, experience and expertise in helping us meet the needs of our learners.