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Warren School


Evidence for Learning 

Evidence for Learning

At Warren School we use an application called ‘Evidence for Learning (EfL)’ to record your child’s learning.  Parents and carers can also upload evidence gathered outside school to create a broader picture of generalisation. In school, evidence is linked to learners' PLG targets and assessment criteria for Mathematics, English and Reading.  We assess throughout the school day, every day of the school year.

Pupil Progress at Warren School

Warren School assesses learners’ progress in line with the outcomes detailed in Section F of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and assessment criteria for Mathematics, English and reading. This enables for a personalised, child-centred approach to learning and assessment across a broad range of skills. The school acknowledges that each learner is different, and that progress is based on each individual, not a comparison to others.

Class teachers set termly targets for each learner (PLGs), in line with their EHCP outcomes. The targets are set in consultation with a Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist (if this provision is specified on a learners' EHCP) to ensure a joined-up, collaborative working partnership. The targets are then shared with families and are best described as small stepping-stones towards a learner's long-term outcomes, that are to be achieved by the end of a key stage. The personalised targets are derived from the strengths, needs and motivation of a learner and ensure that the learner is at the centre of the assessment process. Therefore, the targets are meaningful for the learner and are holistically embedded across the curriculum and not solely focused on just one subject area. This enables class staff to respond to the needs of each learner and supports a curriculum that is tailored and differentiated for each individual.

At the beginning of the school year, class teachers assess the learners' starting point (baseline data) for each area of learning. The baseline determines where a learner is for each aspect of learning and what the learner and class staff need to focus on and develop. At this stage, class teachers also complete an expected outcome assessment that identifies in their professional opinion what they expect leanrer to reach by the end of the year.

During the course of each term, class staff capture evidence to support a learners' progress towards their PLGs and subject targets. Class teachers also review a learners' progress at progress review check points. This allows the opportunity to determine if a learner is on track to achieve their target by the end of the year. If they are not on track, then this provides the opportunity to enable appropriate interventions to be put in place to further support progress. Analysis of the personalised targets should feed assessment back into the teaching and learning process. At the end of the year, class teachers then record the end of cycle data to assess the progress against the targets. This data illustrates where a learner has reached by the end of the year.

This approach to assessment ensures that it is an integral part of the curriculum that is responsive to learners, taking into account their individual learning styles, as well as being informative for the staff. It ensures that assessment is a progressive and continuous process and develops consistency in staff assessment across the school.


Teachers meet every half-term to discuss individual learners. During these conversations, we review the progress of each learner and discuss ways to improve their progress if there are concerns. 

Assessment Points 1 and 2

At two points in the year (Assessment Point 1- immediately after the February half-term and Assessment Point 2 after the last half-term break), we assess learners' progress against Pathway (curriculum) targets and record a judgement on English, Reading and Mathematics. Teachers record judgements as either "Not Achieving", "Emerging", "Developing" or "Secure”.

Progress against EHCP outcomes is also assessed separately twice a year. This happens once at the annual review and again 6 months later. We assess progress against Long and Short Term Outcomes.

Overall Progress Reviews (1, 2 and 3)

In addition to assessing the degree to which learners are meeting targets, teachers also provide a judgement three times a year (see above) as to whether learners are making “below expected progress”, “as expected progress” or “above expected progress”. These statements should be supported by the bank of evidence we have for each learner recorded on EfL.


Teachers take a reading "snapshot" once per half-term - analysing accuracy, fluency and comprehension as appropriate for each Pathway. This information is shared on the Progress review report.

Key Dates


First half-term

Recorded on EfL


Each half-term

Recorded on EfL

Progress review 1

November 2024

Information shared with parents/carers during parents' evening 

Assessment Point 1

February 2025

Recorded on EfL

Progress Review 2

March 2025

Information shared with parents/carers during parents' evening

Assessment Point 2

May 2025

Recorded on EfL

Progress Review 3

July 2025

Report sent to parents/carers




Progress on PLGs

Annual Review and 6 months later

Discussed with parents at Annual review