Vision & Ethos
We will always work as a team to deliver the BEST in all that we do.
To provide:
Access to an exciting, stimulating, broad and balanced relevant pupil centred curriculum
To provide a safe caring stimulating environment
To develop self-confidence, self-respect and responsibility and self-reliance
Outstanding progress from any start point for our young people
Quality first teaching and learning for all
Outstanding therapeutic behaviour management
Outstanding leadership and management at all levels
To ensure pupils and their families have access to the highest possible education, health and social care provision with pathways to the world of work and success in adulthood
We seek to create an ethos that values each individual child for who they are through partnership with families, external support services and the local and National community.
We will always promote the BEST of British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
Warren School provides a happy caring and stimulating environment meeting individual needs, encouraging independence, and developing all students to their fullest potential.